Beyond the Seen: Understanding the Unchanging Nature of the Self

Beyond the Seen: Understanding the Unchanging Nature of the Self
Photo by Tom S / Unsplash

The undeniable difference between what's seen and what sees is that what is seen is constantly changing but what sees never changes.

So much emphasis has been placed on this passing show.

The script, the characters, the wardrobe, the settings, the score -

the DRAMA!!

We love the drama so much that most people live and die only paying attention to the performance.

Only a rare few will pay attention to whom the performance is for.

Consider this - what gives value to a show is never the actors in it but the audience that pays attention to the show.

The most valuable thing in all of the cosmos is your very own attention - because nothing else can gain value to you without you first giving your attention to it.

Which means that happiness, joy, & value has never been in an experience but rather it is always in the experiencer.

Happiness, joy, & value has never been in what is seen but rather it is always in what sees.

Which means that happiness, joy, and value has always been and will always be in you.

If you find happiness to be elusive, I promise you that it's because you're paying too much attention to what you see.

And what you see includes your body.

And what you see includes your thoughts.

Which means that what you are cannot be a body or a thought.

If you're unhappy, it's only because you don't know who you are.

Find out who you are and you'll also find that happiness, joy, & value were never things you needed to labor for because they have always been in YOU!
